
This page is for independent energy producers seeking to connect to 爱达荷州权力的 electrical system and sell energy to the company through an 能源 Sales Agreement (ESA). This does not include information on rooftop solar or other on-site self-generation customers. You can find more information about self-generation 在这里.

Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. 的 应用程序列表 will take you to the Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) site. 来自OASIS站点, 在左侧菜单栏, 点击“发电互连”,” then “Generation Interconnection Queue.”

Generators will be subject to certain obligations under different agreements such as Power Sales, 发电机并网 and Transmission 服务. Each generator is unique due to size, location and energy disposition. 的se differences determine whether the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Oregon Public Utility Commission or the Federal 能源 Regulatory Commission has jurisdiction over the project.


发电机并网 — Physical 连接

Customer Generation Applications and Renewable 能源 Questions

Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) Contract Questions
爱达荷州权力的 能源合约小组


Qualified Reporting Entity 服务 for Renewable 能源 Certificates

hg8868皇冠下载 provides a Qualified Reporting Entity (QRE) service, 一个独立的, renewable-energy tracking system for reporting meter information to the Western Renewable 能源 Generation Information System (WREGIS). Many parties in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), 包括皇冠现金盘公司, use this system to create and account for Renewable 能源 Certificates (REC).

One megawatt-hour (MWh) from a QRE generation facility creates one REC. 因此, it is critical that the WREGIS system be populated with accurate MWh generation data for each QRE generation facility.

作为一个平衡机构, hg8868皇冠下载 is a logical source for accurate MWh data, as it is the same data required to perform our Balancing Authority duties. hg8868皇冠下载 and many other stakeholders have developed a 合格报告实体协议 to contract with hg8868皇冠下载 for this QRE service.

For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151